Javascript week number
Javascript week number

javascript week number

This approach will help to calculate the week number by providing a date in code. Output Week number of current date (Tue 15:32:19 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)) is:Īpproach 2: Calculate the week number for a predefined date Var result = Math.ceil(( todaydate.getDay() + 1 + numberOfDays) / 7) ĭocument.write("Week Numbers of current date (" + todaydate + adding 1 since to current date and returns value starting from 0 Var numberOfDays = Math.floor((todaydate - oneJan) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) calculating number of days in given year before a given date Var oneJan = new Date(todaydate.getFullYear(), 0, 1) define a date object variable that will take the current system date Now, we will convert these steps into actual implementation. Don't forget to put this whole calculation of step 6 inside Math.ceil() method.įinally, display the calculated weekday on the web using document.write(). Now, add 1 and numberofdays calculated in previous result to the day of current date and divide them by 7, i.e., (this.getDay() + 1 + numberofdays) / 7. So, calculate the difference of current date and current year date and divide it by total milliseconds in a day (1000*60*60*24). Īfter getting the current date and year, now calculate the number of days using the Math.floor() method. The getFullYear() function will return the year of current date along with first date of the year, e.g. Initialize another variable oneJan by creating date object using new Date() but this time getFullYear() method inside it. Initialize the todaydate variable by creating the date object using new Date(), which will take system date by default. Follow each step for calculating weekdays: Define a date variable todaydate and oneJan in JavaScript. It is a static way to calculate the week number. In this approach, we will find the week number of current date means the date will be taken from the system.

javascript week number

Along with that, we will calculate the weekdays dynamically by taking date input from the user using a dynamic HTML form.Ĭalculate the week number by taking date input dynamic HTML formĪpproach 1: Calculate Week Number of current date We will discuss both the methods in detail with examples. We will calculate the week number in two ways:Ĭalculate the week number of the current dateĬalculate the week number for a predefined date

javascript week number

We can use this concept in our JavaScript example to calculate the week number. The following formula mentioned below is used to calculate the week number after p days: Week Number = least integer So, if we calculate the week number after 25 days, the week number will be 4th.Īccording to the week number calculation: 25 days = 7 + 7 + 7 + 4 days Let’s suppose today is Monday and the week number is 1. Note that weekday starts with Sunday and ends with Saturday. Similarly, we will assign the number to other days in the week. In this approach, we will assign a number to each day of the week, e.g., 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 3 for Tuesday, and so on. Along with that, the math functions Math.floor() and Math.ceil() also help to calculate the week number. JavaScript offers several date functions, such as getDays(), getMonth(), getTime(), to solve date-related tasks. This problem can be solved using the JavaScript programming language. * Returns whether the week is within the two given weeks or not.Sometimes we need to calculate the current week number or the week number for a given date. But doing these checks on both years and weeks seems to get quite big. How do I make Javascript know this too? I figured I should check if the date is bigger than startDate and smaller than endDate. In this case checkDate is within the two years. I want to check with Javascript if a week number (with year) is within two other week numbers.Įxample data: Year-Week startDate: 2020-32 endDate: 2021-52 checkDate: 2021-30.

Javascript week number